71 rue carle Vernet33800 Bordeaux
(+33) 05 32 96 00 60
ALBYR Structures is an independent engineering consultancy specializing in steel and steel-concrete composite structural engineering.Our services range from feasibility studies through to delivery, and include expert appraisal and re-use studies for new and refurbishment projects.
Metal and composite structures design office CONSEIL – CONCEPTION – ETUDES D’EXECUTION – BIM
ALBYR Structures can help you with your new-build or renovation project, in both the private and public sectors.
Feasibility study, costing versus calculation external control
Conception, dossier d’appel d’offre, CCTP, visas
L’expérience et la polyvalence des membres de l’équipe d’ALBYR structures offrent une grande capacité d’adaptation aux demandes variées des clients…..
Forts d’une expérience respective dans le domaine de la charpente métallique et mixte au sein d’organismes reconnus…